How To make $300 Daily From CPA Marketing (Black Hat)

How To make $300 Daily From CPA Marketing (Black Hat)

BEST Strategy to make $7000 fast with cpa content locking (BLACKHAT)

hello guys welcome to prince wps here today i'm going to show you guys how to make $300 from cpa marketing black hat technique in this black eye technique i'm going to show you go straight to the point and show you exactly what you just need to implement in your cpa offer to start making 300 every single day 

if you don't want to make money please pause this video and continue with your activities but if you really want to make money with cpa marketing make sure you watch this video to the end don't miss any single step because i'm going to give you step by step black hat technique to earn $300 every single day with cpa offer which is cpa marketing so let me go straight to the point without wasting your time 

so if you are new in this channel make sure you subscribe turn the notification bell once update anything because in seo making money online you will get notification now let's go straight to the point if you log into your cpa lead remember in my previous video i use cpa lead there's a lot of cpa uh marketing platform you can sign up and become a publisher but i like using cpa lead as example in which if you watched my previous video about cpa marketing again for beginners you're going to see that i use this platform i'm going to go straight to the point and show you what you just need to do right now now to make 300 every single day from cpa lead is very simple what you just need to do once you sign up in your cpa lead or you create a cpa account this is very simple the usual way you sign up to facebook or any platform that required you to sign up it's just very simple once you sign up you're going to see an interface like this okay what you just need to do for me is to click offer just click offer and uh remember there is a kind of uh depending on the offer you want to run depending on the location and everything but in this video we are using black hat we don't need offer within usa because 

we want to hire a video assistant which i'm going to show you if you go to fiverr and hire video assistant it's going to cause issue it's going to get your account banned but i'm going to show you this simple method and how to get a video assistant in any uh country to do exactly what you want him to do let me just show you i want you guys not to feel confused about the whole thing now in this aspect of country i want to choose india so i need offers within india so any offer within india is going to show here these are offers within india and india and india and um they're going to pay let's open one of the offer here let's open it okay india is going to pay almost 0.35 uh dollar per each users that use this link to submit a pin uh submission this is a pin what submission a ping word submission and this particular offer required only indian audience now i'm not going to stress you to say go on the run ad to get indian people to submit their pain no what i want to show you right now is what you just need to watch this video to the end because i have a technique which you can apply is black hat and i want you after  immediately don't even wait so long so this method will not be find out by the uh the people that is running this cpa ad because you're a publisher why the people that have this ad is advertisers now i'm going to grab not less than four to ten links let's say we're going to grab 10 links of each of us i get uh india i'm going to go to facebook if i go to facebook i'm going to also copy the word fiber just copy fiber now if you go to facebook and such fiber you're going to see a lot of facebook group indian people are into they are promoting their five package now what i want you to do is to join one of the group and post content that you need a video assistant only for indians uh only for indian freelancer 

which is only for indian visual access tanks somebody to work with you and you are going to pay him two dollar for is a survey let me just go straight to the point and show you exactly what you just need to do now if you go here and click this place and click and just paste this fiber group promotion what this thing means you're going to see a lot of freelancers in this group and mostly most times people that create this group are indians you can open more than five fiber gig promotion group in facebook men you can open at least ten to four open ten of them these are for uk people i think i don't need uk people you can also but i'll come back to this you can be able to show you exactly what you just need to do again now what i need to do i'm going to open most of this group and what and joined the group once they approve me what i need to do here is to come there here they said write something now i'm going to say i need a video assistant you're going to type i need a video assistant and i want the video assistant to do a survey for me and it's 10 uh 10 links to do so there something just post something that you need a video assistant and your budget is five dollar or two dollar and the task is not hacked you're going to see a lot of people commenting on your post more than 60 and you said that you need only indian guys indian what guys now if you find indian guy and let's go to our calculator i have reason why i want to show you exactly money you are going to end if you use this method now if i go to my calculator okay 

if i open my calculator and each offer is 0.33 dollars now these are offers within indians i'm going to grab like 10 links so i'm going to use this calculator and paste this 0.35 times 10 links is almost 5 point almost 3.5 dollars i get to my point now and what we need to do now we're going to hire almost 60 indian guys to do this task so each of them will have 6 links or 10 links each of them you give them 10 different offers 10 different offers to follow and make sure you state what the offer is telling them if is the offer that will require them to download the mobile app or or to submit a pin and most of the indian uh distance are mainly for android make sure you tell them that this task you are going to take is mainly for android and is the the task to take is to download the mobile app once the person you you offer once the person you order from fiber which is you're going to order the person from facebook you're not going to order the person from fiber direct once you get the uh individual access stand from facebook group make sure you tell the person to quit and offer for you in fiber and send you the fiber gig url so you can make payments and submit the 10 links you want the person to work with and once the person download the mobile app or submit pin you will get paid you can be able to tell the person you are going to pay 2 and there is no much for you to end just the person to do 10 links you can go beyond 30 links okay within indians you can do more than 30 good links offer them 5 to 3 to take the task okay and you're going to uh you're going to uh you know get five to 20 to 60 indian guys to take this work and each of them should have 10 10 link or 20 links to do the survey so you end your money back let me show you 

what i mean by that if you check now if you give 10 links to indian guy to do for you to do a little survey either to submit pin or download any android app which if they download any android app here they're going to end you're going to end money automatically so yeah you are going to order for the service of the person as a visual assistant okay now if you check three dollar times 80 indian freelancers is 250 280 let's say you spend 80 to get 200 is still on a game side you are not losing so each of these indian guys if you can grab 50 links here these are more than 30 to 50 links here okay there are more than okay there are no more than 20 links let me check out okay they are only one page here and which the link is either 20 to that here okay these are available these ones to add submit pin or device mobile this one these tasks need to be take by uh or device whether is phone whether it's desktop whether it's a pc anyone okay now the only thing i want you to understand is that you are going to grab the available uh offer within these uh indians grab like 30 let's also use the calculation here 

okay let's say you have um zero points 0.5 and each offer is 0.5 times 40 links you give each indian guys is 18 now 18 times 60 indian guys you or you order is one thousand dollars one thousand eighty dollar let's say you use only this eighty dollar and hire indian guys the only method here is that you you need to go to facebook search for fiber group promotion join all of them allow them to accept you then come here and post something that you need a visual assistant only for indian citizens only for indian guys one suppose that a lot of them are going to ask you which type of service i'm in i'm in they are going to comment 50 to 70 of indian guys are going to comment okay once they comment you're going to tell them that i'm going to message you now if you message them try to tell them they are going to do offer for you they're going to sign up to a particular link or download it you're going to give them 10 links is just add them is a cpa link you're going to give them turtle links for them to do survey and give 

them the particular action they need to take for each links okay just tell them how the service is going to be then what you just need to do again for the service to be successful with that but you guys know to scam each other the person is going to go to fiber and create a gig for you and send the link and for you to make payment so you submit the link for the person to work with the person is either going to download the mobile app which is from the person is from india is going to download once the person downloaded you get a commission of 0.45 or 0.35 depending on the offer bidding the advertisers place on each offers so you're going to you know do this with 60 indian guys you are earning 1 000 300 400 depending on your capacity and remember if you're going to order from indian guys it's going to be more cheaper if you're going for a uk guys it's going to be very costly you're going to lose at the end of 

the day because they charge higher but most indian guys are going to charge below two dollar three dollar to do a service lydics and then please to keep your fiber account safe don't go direct to fiber and search for this type of thing fiber is going to block you i wish i'm going to show you one of my account fiber block which is even my main account just use facebook to get a fiber promotion geek group then chat one of them then move them from that place tell them to create a gig for you for service like it and then order it and then give them the link to take the action and once they are done they are going to notify you and you start making your money with that stress with just your five dollar with just twenty dollar you are making over more than one thousand dollar see you guys in my next video bye that's how i want to stop it peace out 


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