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The dark force is extremely strong tonight. My name's Cula, and I'm a vampire. I am hiding, no, trapped in this school for complicated reasons. Although I can't escape this place, it also can't confine my free spirit. Well, this universe is too small for me anyway. So where am I going now? To enjoy the only freedom I've got! Tomato juice! I can't start my day without this! I live for this...! You look handsome as always! Hey, Cula! Ugh... popularity...what a bother. But someone like me can't help being liked by everyone. Everyone except...This kid He thinks he's my rival. but he's obviously no match for me. Ugh! The Human doodles on the desk every day! I can't stand mess. Things have to be nice and spotless before I can sit down. So... I guess I should introduce everyone That's Zizi. She's a zombie. That's Kong Kong, a hopping zombie. Kebi is a prankster. And Frankie is easily fooled by him! I am so tired of being responsible for cleaning up after these weirdos...! He's here! He's here! He's coming! Right now, he's coming! Hurry! Come on! No...keep calm...mind control... Well done, Cula You need to work harder on your skills for hiding from humans. All of you. Today, we'll learn about the human's latest weapon of choice. It's called the cellphone According to our research, this weapon is powerful beyond imagination. Where have I seen that? Humans use cellphones... practice attacking us at will. I've seen that thing somewhere... No human can get through a single day without their phone. And in case they lose their phone, they put tracking systems on them. Uh, Mr. Reaper! Come look...! Oh no! Cula! You mustn't touch it no matter what, is that clear? But if! If you do touch a human's belongings... You must! At all costs! Always! Put it back as you found it! Yes, sir...! Pop Quiz! What symptoms would a human display if they lost their cellphone? Symptoms....symptoms..! Come on.. think! They'll be anxious without their weap- Oh! They will be anxious without their weapon...! Bingo! It's said that a human who loses their phone will experience extreme anxiety, crankiness, hallucinations, and diarrhea When they secure evidence like photos and videos- KEBI! FOCUS! 10 minute recess! Where'd it go?! Wh-where'd it... go?! It's about to get crazy in here because, in the world of monsters, there's only one rule. FINDERS KEEPERS! Found it! It's mine! My candy! Geez....whatta scene! Over a silly lollipop? How pathetic. Wha...what is it...? Do you... want it? Yuck~~! No thanks! You can have it..! I'm not that big on candy! Get away~~~! If I had one wish, it would be to live in peace by myself, far from everyone. What's this doing in here?! Hello? Hello? If you do touch a human's belongings.. You MUST! At all costs! Always! Put it back as you found it! Oh, man... what do I do now? I'll just put it back real quick! Ow ow! Ow, hot! Wahhhh~! Wah~! Oh! Oh! Whaaa! Oh! ahh!! Hey Hanah! Why are you here so early? Oh... I think I left my phone in homeroom, so I came early to check. See ya! Bye! Oh~~Where'd I put it? Someone answered it earlier Weird... So she's the one that's been drawing on my desk! See ya! Let's go to my house Have a nice day! And eat some delicious cake! Bye! Bye! Bye! That phone! This phone is mine!! Not only did you steal my phone, but you smashed it too! You're in so much trouble! Don't be such a baby and wait here I'll go bring the teacher. Hurry-! He's right....oh? He was right there! I told you it's the ghost. I saw it moving around last night and I swear I heard footsteps in the empty classrooms. The classrooms, they were completely empty! All I'm saying...hear me out I happen to know an excellent exorcist... ...and I think we should contact him. Oh~that's a great idea. Why don't you bring him in? We'll exorcise the ghost, and I'll call newspapers and TV stations to let them all know. Parents will be thrilled about a school exorcism! The kids will get super excited and flock to us! Hm! Get your act together And get back to work RIGHT NOW!! Ghost or monster... If I get a hold of it, I'll just.. WACK IT! Did you find anything Hanah? Oh, dear. That's too bad. I'm sorry your phone is broken. We'll catch whoever's responsible. If you see that strange student... you let me know, all right? Yes, sir. Hello. How may I be of service? Yes, um...Do you deal with ghosts that appear in schools? What's the address? Dad? Yeah, sweetie? What's the matter? Oh Good! You found it! Oh, Hanah? Did you drop it? No, it wasn't me, dad! Never mind. You spend WAY too much time on it anyway. Aren't you...gonna buy me a new one? It won't even turn on! Hey, what does a 3rd grader need a phone for? If you really want one, get all A's this term. But dad! My tests are just 2 weeks away. How can I possibly get all A's? By studying SUPER hard, that's how~ Father! Getting straight A's might be stretching it! How about B's? Ah~~ A's or nothing. Oh that's impossible, dad! Then ask whoever broke your phone to fix it~~ I don't think that kid's from my school. No A's, No phone. Got it? Good luck~ My phone! Agggghhhahaha! Why did she help me? Oh, no! Come on! It won't erase! Oh, why is my life like this?! See. I told you~ Huh? Right? I mean... Hey Kong Kong, you ask him. Me? You're the suspicious one. You ask. Frankie, you ask him. Ask me what? About this! Cula~Kebi keeps saying this drawing looks like you. Wh-what?! This?! Come on! It looks nothing like me?! Take a look! Round eyes Spiky hair Thin lips It obviously looks JUST - AH! What? Continue you were saying? Stop messing around! This definitely looks like you, and it was drawn by a human. So I think you have some explaining to do, Cula! Hey! You need to get your eyes fixed, Kebi! This looks NOTHING like Cula~! It could be anyone with round eyes. A round-eyed... bum! Look at the unruly hair. It's gotta be some kind of... Round eyed... human bum! Right Cula? Yeah right. This look nothing like me Kebi. Hm! Well, judging from the way you've been acting and that mark on your arm, I think this picture proves that you went out into the human world and got burned in the sunlight! Why would Cula show himself to human? He's not a dodo-brain! According to you...Cula's so loony that he went into the human world with huge crazy eyes looking like a human bum... and got caught in broad daylight by a human? Does that make any sense to you?! It's absurd just hearing myself say it! Thank you, Kong Kong Now... can you get off my desk please? Oh, sorry. Got carried away... Whatever~ Look Cula! I got my eye on you! Be careful. How can he notice everything with just one eye? it because he only has one eye? Why... won't this thing... come off already? My drawing... who erased it?! It's him! He was cleaning my desk then too! Maybe he'll come back... Let's see...what have we got here? Excuse me sir... you are? Ah! Let me give you my card. Oh, great! You are here! Principal Kong. I called the exorcist, sir. There are no ghosts in my school, so turn around and go. If you change your mind, give me a call anytime. Nice and clean. Perfect Oh, must have fallen asleep... Oh! There you are! What're you doing here this late at night? Why are all the lights off? Owwww! Pins and needles! My phone! I want you to pay for a new phone. But I didn't take your phone. When I went back to my locker, it was in my bag. What locker? What're you talking about? I mean... I... found your phone In my bag So I was only returning it. Ah! So you're saying my phone grew legs and walked right into your bag and you were simply bringing it back? You expect me to believe that?! You broke it! You fix it! Fix my phone! How come... he... only has one eye? Hey! What are they? Muh...MONSTER! Is she dead? She's still alive. She's drooling. Are you sure? I knew this was going to happen! I've been telling you how weird Cula has been lately! Thanks to you, we'll have to move to a new place now! Move?! He's coming! He's coming! Humans are much crueler than you can ever imagine. In order to deal with them, we should be prepared to use any means necessary to ensure our safety. Wow! NOT possible! 10 minute recess Don't come any closer! She's seen us, so we can't let her go now. If we do, she'll tell other humans about us, then we're all doomed! That's not good~~ We don't have any other choice. We must...get rid of her... ...without a single trace. NO WAY! I mean... well... if she disappears, then we could end up in real danger. Why? Because... uh... Missing child case! Missing child case? That's right! When a child goes missing the whole town will become frantic! People will turn this entire school upside down looking for me. because the last place I was seen was right here. That IS real danger. SERIOUS danger...! Didn't you hear what Mr. Reaper said?! Humans have cellphones now! So even little humans are dangerous! Ah~! That's right! She doesn't have a cellphone! Yes! That's right! I don't. Because....he smashed it. Be quiet~! So don't make things worse If you let me go, I won't tell anyone. She makes a good point~ Think about it... If something happens to her, then we might really have to move. MOVE!I I don't wanna move! Fine! Have it your way! But if anything happens... it's all on you, Cula~! Nothing's going to happen. Right? Of course not! See ya! Huh... Dad must be working late again. Uh~I must be the unluckiest kid in the world. Do I really have to live without a phone? Oh yeah..they called him Cula. V-A-M-P-I-R-E What's this? They didn't seem all that evil... He said something about a locker... A locker that he can fit in... I didn't know this place existed. Why won't this open! Wow! You live in this thing?! Shhhh! You promised us You said you'd never speak of us, and forget ever seeing us! I didn't tell anyone! Then forget about us too! Wipe us from your memory! Please I beg you! We can't never ever meet again, got it? I didn't wanna see you either. But you broke my phone and you need to pay up! Ow! One, two! Testing! Attention! Students of Bora Elementary School! Sh~! Okay! I'll pay for your phone! That's more like it. Here! Keep the change. Now, never come back here. Okay? wow Are you kidding me?! You gotta give me actual money! Paper money! Not coins! Ahhhhhhhhhh! I have no phone! How am I gonna call my friends now? Shhh! Be quiet..! Be quiet please...! can get a new phone by either me giving you money or you getting all A's in your classes... those are your 2 options? It's simple then, You just have to get all A's. Hey! It's not that easy. If it was, I wouldn't have come looking for you. But if I don't give you money to buy a new phone, you'll come here every day, right? Right! And bother me and make noise? Uh-huh! You'll never give up or get tired? Of course not! Ugh~~~~! Fine. Then I'll help you get all A's. What? Hahahaha! Hahahaha! HELP me? You? You're gonna do what my teachers and tutors and parents couldn't do? All those people tried and failed... But you're going to miraculously help me get all A's?! When I put my mind to it, I get things done! No way! Impossible! Yes way! Possible! Do you even know what subjects I'm studying? Give me a break! I'm 109 years old. A human child's school lesson is a piece of cake. Whatever. As long as I get my phone back. I've got absolutely nothing to lose here. Let's meet in the classroom tonight. Say... around 5:30? Ok? Not like that~ Like This When you do this, It means you are locking hearts with another person and you are making a promise. You're not really a person, but... whatevs! We made a promise, so it counts just the same. You gotta stick to it. No matter what we do, we don't seem to get more students. But looking at you makes me feel so much better. I will defend this school's honor... as the district's best! What? You'll help me too? Oh! Isn't that lovely? My precious! Start the first lesson with charisma! Here I am, little girl! What's he doing? Ew! What a mess! Alright! When's your first test! This is today, and test start around here. So~~that means we've got about one week to study. What? One week?! Thats' it? Wait! You were talking so big last time... Don't you have some kind of super power? Like in the movies and books. Super power...? Ah! I am really disappointed in you~ You should study hard for tests, not just take short cuts... Uh! Or wait until the last minute! Wow... I feel... I've been tricked somehow. All right. Let's start with Spanish. It's pretty easy. It's easy? yeah What's this? Too hard. Pass! Let's start with something more basic. Step by step, you know? Pass! You really don't know? Pass! Do you know what 'pass' means?! Stop! I know this one! 'Toe-Man-teh'! What? 'Toe-Man-teh'?! That sounds ridiculous! 'Toe-mah-toe' No, it's pronounced 'toe-man-teh! I may not know many Spanish words, but I know food! You obviously don't. Because this is 'toe-mah-toe'. I'm pretty sure it's 'toe-man-teh'... Repeat after me Toe! Toe! Mah! Mah! Toe! Toe! Toe...mah...TEH! Ugh... let's move on... Next! Pizza! I'm shook! I'm a genius! I got 2 answers in a row! Pizza! Pizza-pizza-pizza! Pizza-pizza- Yay~! Ugh... Now I'm hungry. I can't focus when I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat? Come on! We just got started! Wow~! Your canine teeth are really sharp! Have you ever bitten a human? What does blood taste like? Do people taste different? What would mine taste like? Who tastes better - Men, women, or children? Just focus! How can you not concentrate for one second? Forget about A's! You'll be lucky to pass the test at all~! I'm really tired from all this studying. Let's take a nap then start again with clear heads. Sounds good? HEY-! You call this STUDYING? There's no time for napping! Get yourself together and learn some words! Jirafa (giraffe) Dificil (difficult) Perra (dog) Wait... What? What's wrong with you? Hey~ Hey~Wake up~! You are scaring me! Wake up~ Snap out of it; Wake up-!! Whoa... did I fall asleep? How long was I out for? Yeah, but only for a second. Now, let's study. So weird... What just happened right now? One more time! Again! So, if you look into my eyes and give an order, I get hypnotized? Yeah. Oh! I think you got me! Don't be silly. Help! Oh, no! We gotta stop him or he'll smash up the school again! Guess I'll have to stop them! Move! Come on... Stop!! Frankie... stop...!!! There! No one will notice, right? Good as new..! Hmm? Uh-! There is a smudge. Do you know why I called for you?, sir Last night, somebody broke the trophy that I treasure the most. Oh, who would do that...? Exactly Tell me... How long are you just going to stand there blinking like a fool? What...What exactly would you like me to do, sir? I want you to find out... WHO DID IT-!!!! A bat's wings are comprised of rubber... like elastic membranes stretched between... What is this saying? That's right! You are a vampire! Yeah, so? Then, can't you transform into a bat? Um...yeah...of course. Cool! This is perfect! I don't understand all these difficult words, but if I can see a real bat, it'll all make sense! What are you getting at? Turn into a bat for me just once. Then I think I'll totally ace this test super easily. Will you do it? Will you? Pretty please? No! Hm~~? No way! Mmmmm~~? Forget it~! I'm begging you~ Please~~~~! If you don't wanna study, then don't! You're so distracted! Oh~You can't do it, can you? I can so~! It's ok, no need for anger. I can do it~! I'm just not in the mood to change right now! Oh~Okay, okay! I'm serious. I'm just not feeling well today. I'm a vampire. I'm strong! I can become whatever I want! Can we...really...transform like this? It makes me wanna go number 2. Stop talking I can't concentrate! Oh... Sorry, sorry! Whoa~! No way! It worked! It worked! I get it! come only one wing formed? Oh yeah. GEEZ! Why can't I do it? UGH! Just keep at it. You'll get it eventually. You're sooooo cute! I can't take it! You're adorable! Aha! So this is what a bat wing looks like! I totally get it now. Wow~! Thank you, you cute little battie! Wait. Shouldn't a bat be flying? Hold on, do you not know how to fly? What? Are you kidding me? Want me to show you? What was that? Okay~here I go! Is everything okay? Good evening, Mr. Kong! I heard screaming. Oh...that.... I got surprised by a bug. Where did it go...? Uh.. Mr. Kong! I'm sooo scared of that bug. So would you mind walking me outside? Thank you, Mr. Kong! Wait! Come on, Mr. Kong! Let's go~ I really wanna get out of here. Oh Hahah, please don't push~ I'm sooo scared! Phew...that was close. Saturday at 1 PM? When the sun is the hottest? She wants to meet at daylight? Thank you~ Mr. Kong! Have a good evening! I can't put my finger on it... but something smells fishy. Huh? Good Heavens! Mr. Kong! The surveillance camera is up and running. Look like I won't have any more damage to school property. Are you that happy? Of course~! You have no idea how happy. You really did it, Hanah No~! Not just me. WE did it! Hm! We did? Yeah! If it weren't for you, this noggin' would never have gotten straight A's! There's no way. So thanks! To show you how grateful I am, I prepared a little surprise for you. Ok! Let's put on some screen. What are you doing? What are you doing to me? Where are you taking me? Hey Hey, wait! Wait! I can't leave the school! Just trust me, will you? We are not going far. Ok! Here we are! Where is this place? Why do you want a cell phone so much? It feels really weird not to have something that everyone else has. It makes me feel like an outsider. Outsider? It's when you're all by yourself without any friends. That's you! What?! I'm not an outsider! I have you. If you're not my friend, then what? So I'm...I'm your friend? Of course you are. We study together, we hang out... and I even showed my most secret favorite place. Of course we're friends! We are...friends? did you end up living and hiding in the school? We were hiding from humans, looking for a safe place, that's how. A long time ago We used to live among humans. Then, one day, humans started attacking us because we looked different from them... ...and we became monsters. If it weren't for Mr. Reaper, the others and I wouldn't have survived. He took us all over the world to find a safe spot for us to live. We wandered from place to place, hiding and running. After a while I thought... I didn't choose to be born this way. Is it my fault that I'm a monster? But then... we found the school We learned that it was busy with kids during the day, but once the bell rang, they'd disappear. So, until we're ready to leave the school and live independently without Mr. Reaper's help... this school is pretty much our home. So that's how you started living there! Funny, right? We spent all those years trying to hide from humans, but we ended right in the middle of the human world. Although, we can only move around at night. It must have been tough~ It's better than living in danger. Sorry... I'm really sorry. What happened in the past... And the hardships you're going through now... For every human who did horrible things to you. I'm sorry But you didn't do any of those things... I know... but humans aren't all bad, Cula. I'm sure you probably know that by now. there are good humans too. Like me. Oh! You smiled! So you agree with me! Yeah, whatever Alright, let's go! Go where? To school For independence training! What? But I need Mr. Reaper's permission to do that! How long are you gonna wait for his permission? Let me help you! Oh, come on~ How can you help me?! Last time, I didn't want to embarrass you, so I let it go... But, you can't fly~! I'm just saying that when humans chase you, you can turn into a bat and shoot fly off, just like that! Okay, on three... One! Flap...harder~! Come on, put your back into it! Watch your form! Faster! One two! One two! Well done! I think we're ready. It's always been my dream to fly~! What?! You put me through all this YOU can fly?! Let's go! Where are we going? Just start flying, Cula. We'll figure it out as we go. We are flying!! Stop it! Hold on tight! I won't save you even if you fall! Hey... How are we gonna get home? I don't know the way back! Mr. Kong! Mr. Kong! We have a problem! You gotta see this! Huh? What's that? That's what I told you, sir. There's a ghost, it's a real- Sh-Shush! What if somebody hears you? What is going on? A ghost in my school? That's insane...! Oh Good Heavens!! Can I be of service? Bingo! Wow~! Your reputation speaks for itself! How did you find the location right away? Shush! You talk way too much. It's getting in the way of my work! Huh?! Stop disturbing him and do something useful! A bunch of little weaklings! A goblin! Jianshi! Zombie! Frankenstein~? And the one who controls them... the grim reaper~! Huh?! Five of them? Plus...a blood sucking vampire! Oh my~please just get them out of my school~ Payment up front, no discounts and cash only...! Well...the school's financial situation isn't good... Ah! But...I'm sure we can manage. Better hurry and get it then! This is the last class of the semester. There were students that I wish had performed better; students that could've made more effort: and others who showed some impressive growth. Having said that, I know that you have all made an effort. So, for tonight I want have fun! Surprise! Ha..nah??? I nailed it, right? Do I look like a monster? You'll get in trouble if Mr. Reaper sees you! You gotta go! Now! Wow~! This party is so cool! Good music, good lighting~ Oh, this party's just my scene! Uh, Hi! Remember me? Ah! You're the human kid from before! Human? Cula! Have you been talking to this human behind our backs? I can explain. Let me explain things. So what happened was- Hey! Stay out of this, human! We need to hear it from Cula. So tell us Why?! You went behind our backs?! Breaking the meeting this little human? And it better be good! Now? Yeah, tell them, Cula. You want one? Wait! Do you think you can buy us off with some candy? What is that awful music? Much better! Now, THIS is music! Het, what's with this music? What is this? Hello, kiddos! Hu...human! Janshi! Goblin! Zombie! Frankenstein! And you~~ You're a vampire? Careful, or else! You'll hurt yourself badly. This here is my latest cutting-edge invention. A shot of this won't harm a hair on a warm-blooded human like me. but for monsters like you... Oh my, the whole school will be damaged~! EET! This could be your fate~! So if I were you, I'd stay put and not try anything foolish. This laser has exactly the same effect... So don't move! Peek-A-Boo!! Drats! Oh! Th-There he is!! Stop right there! STOP~! Leave us alone! Gotcha, didn't I, kiddo? Look, I'm THE HUNTER. Get it? As long as I have these glasses on your hypnotic tricks won't work on me. Farewell, kid! Mr. Reaper! It's urgent! Cula?! Humans...a hunter, I mean a human called Hunter... Humans? A Hunter? It's my fault... Everyone got captured~! What do you mean 'captured'? Wait! I had no choice but to go out into the human world. And that's when I met this girl... I was only gonna help her get straight A's. That's the truth. Then I wasn't going to ever see her again. This is all my fault. Oooohhh, I'm so scared! Come on, don't be mean, you're frightening the little kid. Go, Cula! Get out of here, now! Go! Hurry~! Come on! Let the kid witness the last moments of his teacher~ Just you wait, little one. It won't take that long. I said go! Cula! I feel sad that I wasn't kinder to you. I'm very sorry~ It's heavy. Mr. Reaper?!! Mr. Reaper... Mr. Reaper... Uh... you know, I think that child over one of my students. Here! This isn't much but.. Oh~! Actually, on second look, she is a human kid. Little girl~ How come you didn't say anything to us, eh? Did these savages hurt you? They're not savages! Everyone here is my friend, ok?! Your friends? Sweetie pie... Humans and savages can never ever be friends. Savages inside! And humans outside! We belong to separate and different worlds. Do you get it now? No... What's gonna happen to us? You're awake! Oh, Zizi You guys got away safely. I thought you wanted to live by yourself? Happy? By yourself? Cula! Remember, I'm your sidekick~! Wherever you go, I'll always be there. Yeah, ok... But...Mr. Reaper... Mr. Reaper! You were right about everything! I'll never meet a human ever again! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! It's all my fault. If only I hadn't met Hanah... This place... They say the ultimate test of friendship is risking your life for a friend. That's what friends do. I can't survive by myself. My friends and Hanah They need my help! I gotta save them before day breaks! You're lucky. Six monsters with just this? You gotta huge bargain~ Ummm...sure Well, I have to go. No rest for the wicked! Bye bye~~~ Cula! You little fly! I felt sad letting you get away. Now, I'm happy. But why would you come back here voluntarily? Let me go! He's going to destroy the entire school! Huh? Hanah! Oh Man, you're a nimble one! But play time is over. Let's end this, shall we? You coward! You're the only one with a gun! Put the gun down, and let's make this a fair fight! Two against one! I...gotta help her. You can't. Not with your injuries But even that stick-thin human girl with a big head's doing what she can to help Cula. I can't just hide here and watch. You can't wait to get a glimpse of the other world, can ya? Fine~ Any last worlds~? Stop! Ha! Do I have to take things into my own hands? Move, Hanah! In our school, anyone can come learn and grow~! That's what you tell us all the time, Principal Kong! These kids also learning and growing at this school and they actually love this school just as much as you do, sir! Did you forget what I said? With these glasses on your silly parlor tick won't work, kid. Well, well! Talk about perfect timing~! Cula... Give it a rest, will ya? Just stay down~! Let's see here... Now, what am I gonna do about you? How can I teach you to stop hanging out with those savages for good and be a good little human girl? Hey, mister! Don't you... dare touch my friend! Come on...haven't you had enough yet?! Run away, Cula! This man is crazy! What?! Say that again, you little brat! Ah! What have you done? Savages! All of you! Who are you calling savages? I could crush~~ That's enough, sir. I will not allow anyone to physically assault my students. Let go of me! Are you seriously taking the savages' side now? I advise you to watch your language~! Who's a savage? What? Is this thing broken? Ah~ that gun doesn't work if you have a warm body, right? Thanks to you exposing me to the sun, I'm raging hot with fever! Feels good! Now! It's my turn~ HERE I GO! So...what happened after? Everything worked out thanks to my hypnosis. Well...I did have to make a few "adjustments" here and there Kidnap a kid? Who me? There's no way! I really don't remember a single thing. I'm telling the truth! Pipe down! It's too dark in here! I'm scared~~! And Hanah's dad, who almost lost his daughter to a kidnapper... Your grades? I don't care about good grades! What good are A's? An A is just a letter of the alphabet! To be honest, I barely got C's in school. Just stay healthy, okay, sweetheart? Uh Dad... maybe you should let me breathe then... Hey, you know you're perfect just the way you are, right? Yeah! That's my girl! Oh I love you so much! I really do~ And the Principal, who saved Hanah from the hands of a kidnapper, graced newspapers and TV shows as a hero. Thanks to that, he's getting tons of new student enrollment because they want to attend a school that puts students' safety first. Oh, and what about Mr. Reaper? We have Zizi, the master of jigsaw puzzles. So we put Mr. Reaper back together. Mr. Reaper! Mr. Reaper!! Mr. Reaper wanted us to leave the school but after hearing about Hanah, he changed his mind You were right, Cula Not all humans beings are bad. We'll put moving on hold for now. Hurray! And Hanah... she can't remember us anymore. I had to do it, for our safety. But I still think of Hanah as my friend. We shared a friendship that we were willing to risk our lives for. That's a friend for life! If it weren't for Hanah I wouldn't have learned to appreciate my friends now. Hey, Zizi!...what's...up? My very first human friend... same as always. Thanks to Hanah, we have new hope now. Hope that one day humans and monsters will live in peace with no hate. And that I can admire this beautiful world once again with my dear friend one day. Ok! Who wants to return this to Hanah~? Me! I want to! I called dibs first! You went last time! Cula How about...we go together? What if we get caught by the humans? Oh, no! No! Ah~?! If that happens...then I'll just... BAM! Hypnotize them! BAM!

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