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Where we'll understand social media marketing first. So what is social media marketing and the aim of it. So far you may thought social media is make a page on facebooK post things on twitter, Youtube or anywhere else. Main aim of social media marketing Run ads? right? 

You can easily hire a person and the company who takes commission for this won't be needed So social media is beyond your mind. that social media is just posting on page Okay we no doubt use social media for sales If we want to sell our product Then we can use our product via social media and create brand awareness Its a goood way of brand awareness. 

There's a person who doesn' know about your product. And there's a product of beard I won't tell you it's name, it's a question for you This company got famous through social media marketing Because they used it wisely and brand awareness In the starting, it was sold only online Now they are being sold via offline too And it's because of social media. One more thing, you can do PR activities too. You can improve your image or defame You have heard this rumour that BJP has IT cell they did this that Rumours say that BJP has a ITC cell and they are doing social media marketng They are creating fake post fake news and they are easily shared So here You can defame or improve a brand So for PR social media marketing is good And best thing is internal communication There's a company whose office is in USA London, etc and they want to talk to their employees they don't want to spend on calls. They can use skype video calls COnference on hangout So basically we can divide social media into 5 parts.

 1 : Collborative projects means Like two or more than two people work, just like wikipedia Wikipedia has pages and written info about everything But who write it? not wikipedia person Right now, company writes them itself Because it improves SEO But ideally anyone can write it anyone can write it About anything 

2: Blogs & Micro Blogs Micro blogging means twitter Blogs means written content on wordpress People comment in your blogs You can reply This is a part of social media marketing. 

3: Content communities Where content is posted Just like video on youtube Where people see our content.

 4: Social network sites. Where we can communicate with our friends.

 5: Virtual game/social world Like clash of clans Or any online game In this, we create our city and we can communicate with any person. we can add our friends.

SO this is it. A world of VR Where everything seems real Like call of duty, there are many games that are online So this is a part of VR and social world As we continue, i'll share more details with you Maybe this series will have 8-9 videos Okay friends, video ends here I hope you liked it, If any doubts, do ask me in the comment section Like share and do tell me in the comment Who are interested in social media marketing Social media marketing is cheap And if you have mind, you can do it well in free if you are creative. 

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