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Hey friends!

  I'm going to show you exactly how you can get  

all the Skillshare classes absolutely for FREE,  right? So you don't need a credit card number, you  

don't need to create an account at all, okay? So,  let's begin. So, first of all, what we will do is  

we'll go to, okay? If you're  watching this video on YouTube, I'll drop a link  

in the description from where you can access  the article that I'm going to talk about.  

So we'll go to and  this is the article that we need "How  

to get Skillshare courses for free", and  if you come to this article (this website)  

after some days, you might not see it here  so we'll just click on search and we'll,  

okay, we'll click on the search icon and  then we'll search for Skillshare then  

we'll search and then that is going to get  us this article. We'll click on the article  

and then we'll come down, down, down, right? And  then, first of all, what we will do is "Part 1:  

Getting the link to the class we want", so, Go  to the this all classes all classes section of  

Skillshare, we'll click on that. That will take  us to this (Skillshare's website) from where we  

can access all the classes, right? And then, from  here what we will do is we'll search for whichever  

class that we want. For example, right now, if we  want this class "How to Organize your Workflow to  

Maximize Productivity" by Ali Abdaal, we'll just  click on this class, right? And then after we  

are here, what we will do is, like this is the  class that we need, okay? So what we will do is  

we'll just click here and we will copy  this link. You can right-click and copy,  

or you can just press command+C or Ctrl+C,  and then we'll come back to the article.  

We were here and then we will come back to this  article. And then we will come down and then here  

"Part 2: Setting up the environment to get the  class", right? Step 1: Go to this link. We'll  

click on "this link", and then, one thing to  keep in mind is that all the courses that we  

are going to download using this tool, those are  going to be stored in our Google Drive, right?  

So, those are not going to like come directly  on our computers, not on our mac or PC,  

these courses like the classes, these videos that  we are going to download, those are going in our  

Google Account, Google Drive, right? So, if you  want to download those courses on your pc or on  

your mac, you will have to manually download it,  okay? Okay, after it is loaded, first of all,  

what we will do is, after we are on this  website, first of all, we will click on Runtime,  

okay? We'll click on Runtime, and then 'Change  runtime type'. We'll click on this and then this  

is what we have to make sure. We have to make sure  that the Hardware accelerator is selected to GPU.  

If you are on TPU or if you are on None, make sure  you come back to GPU, okay? After you are on GPU,  

click on 'Save', right? And then, another thing  to make sure of is you are using the account  

that you want to, you know, store your files in,  right? So this is the account that I want to store  

my Google, like all the videos, I want to use  this account's Google Drive to store the files,  

right? So I'll make sure that I have the account  that I want to use and then, first of all, what  

we will do is we will run this one, Run this cell  to mount Gdrive. First we'll run this. So this,  

what is this going to do is, like it is going  to connect our Google Drive to this tool that  

we are going to use, Skillshare-DL, right? We'll  run it and then we have to wait for a while,  

okay? In the meantime, if you want to use  Adobe apps for FREE, I have put a link in the  

description from where you can read the article  and you can use Adobe apps for free. Because I  

had made a video before but YouTube took that  down, okay? So it asks "Permit this notebook  

to access your Google Drive files?" Connect  to Google Drive. And then we will log in with  

the account that we want to use and then it will  ask us for some permissions, we will allow that,  

and then after that, this will load for a while,  and then it will be completed. After this is done,  

you will see a tick mark here, okay?  You'll see a tick mark there and a tick  

mark here. It means that this is completed,  right? Then we will come to the Skillshare  

section and then "Run this cell to install  Skillshare-DL requirement." We will run that  

and then we'll wait for a while. It's saying  "Installing" then in a second it will show  

"Completed" or something. Let's see. As I said,  if you want to use Adobe apps for free on a Mac,  

you can watch the, you can read the article  that I have mentioned in the description,  

okay? As you can see, even this process is  completed. You can see a tick there, a tick here,  

right? And it says "Successfully  Configured!", right? And then,  

this 'Run This Cell to Download Skillshare  Course". Remember the link that we copied?  

We copied it from here, like we went to  Skillshare's website, and then we searched  

for the class that we want. Then we copied this  link, right? So, we will come back to the website,  

the tool, and then we will paste that link  here, okay? Either you can like press Ctrl+V  

also or you can just like complete, I mean paste,  right? And then, after you have pasted the link,  

we have to click on Run again. So, what this  is going to do is 'Run this cell to download  

skillshare course', right? So this is going to  download all the episodes, as you can see, the  

download has started. So what this is doing is, it  is downloading on a cloud, right? It is not being  

downloaded on your computer, it is downloading in  a cloud, and then what the next step will help us  

to do is 'Run this cell to move downloaded  course to GDrive. So what that will do is,  

all the courses that are downloaded, those  will be moved to your Google Drive, right?  

So, right now, let's just wait. Let's use the  power of editing to skip this portion for you.

All right, so as you can see all the episodes  are downloaded, right? After all the episodes  

are downloaded, you will see a tick mark  here and a tick mark here. So it took me  

about four and a half minutes, right? So, after  all the courses are downloaded, we have to move  

the downloaded courses to GDrive, right?  GDrive means Google Drive, right? So,  

for that, we will click here on this play icon. It  will take like three to four seconds, hopefully.  

Okay, it took 10 seconds and the course  is moved to Google Drive, right? So now,  

what we'll do is, we will go to Google Drive,  which is, or if you don't want to  

enter all that URL, come back to the website  that I mentioned. And then, and let's see,  

in "Part 4: Accessing the course", Go to Google  Drive, right? We'll click there. That will bring  

us to our Google Drive, and then... okay, and  then what we will do is this is the, okay, this  

is the folder that we need. We are in My Drive,  and then Skillshare-DL. So we'll click here,  

double-tap there, and then this is the folder.  We'll double-tap again, this is the course that  

we downloaded "How to Organize your Workflow  to Maximize Productivity." Double-tap and  

then these are the videos, like 25 videos for that  course, right? It is going to take a while because  

Google Drive always processes all the videos  that are put here, right? We're processing this  

video. So it might take like a few minutes,  10 to 15 minutes, to process all that video.  

Let's meet in 10 to 15 minutes. Okay, it's been  only like 10 to 15, 10 minutes, and all the videos  

are (almost all the videos) are processed already.  So, what we can do is, if we want to like watch  

the videos, we can watch it from here itself.  If we double-tap here, the video will be played,  

right? And most of these videos will be in 720p,  so we can control the quality 720p, right? And  

then if you wanted to download this course, you  could come back here and then you could click here  

and then you could right-click and then click on  "Download" which would start a download for you,  

okay? We don't need to, I don't need to  download it right now. So what you can do is,  

if you want to get more courses for free, you  can repeat the entire process. You can watch  

the video from the beginning or if you remember  everything, you can just, you know, use your head,  

right? And if this video was helpful, consider  SUBSCRIBING. That would be a GREAT help,  

right? And then if you are a mac user and want  to use microsoft apps for free, watch this video,  

and if you want to read from websites like  New York times, Wall Street Journal for free,  

watch this video. Thank you for watching  the video! Have a great day! Bye!

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