how to make nft digital art

how to make nft digital art 

how to make nft digital art

hey everybody this is Robert from Kapwing and this iconic image next to me recently sold for six hundred thousand dollars at an online auction if that comes as a shock then let me be first to welcome you to the brave new world of nfts and crypto art in this tutorial today i'll show you everything you need to know to get started creating your first nft putting it on an online marketplace and hopefully making some money from it let's get started nft stands for non-fungible token it's an alienesque term that i don't like saying aloud but you can think of it as a digital certificate of authenticity in real life classic works of art antiques and other historical items are often sold at auctions with a receipt certifying that they are genuine nfts serve the same purpose but for digital items they allow gifs videos jpegs mp3s and just about any other file format to be certified as one of a kind this technology enables a new kind of ownership for digital files that wasn't previously possible so now that we know a little more about nfts and what can be an nft let's go step by step through the process of creating and listing your first nft for sale and you won't need any crypto experience to do this so there's gonna be four steps today first we're gonna set up a new crypto wallet this is where we'll store the ethereum cryptocurrency that is used to pay the fees that are associated with putting an nft for sale second we're gonna buy a little bit of the ethereum cryptocurrency you'll need this to cover those fees i just mentioned third you'll connect your new crypto wallet to one of the popular nft marketplaces you'll use your wallet to authenticate everything you do to keep us secure and then fourth we'll actually go through the process of listing your art and turning it into an nft okay so we're starting out here in the ios app store and i'm on the rainbow ethereum wallet now there are tons of different wallets you can use to buy nfts and to store the ethereum crypto coin so for this tutorial today i'm using rainbow because i find this wallet to be super simple it's where i got my start and i'm still using it to this day but i actually did a full write-up on how to create your own nft over on the point website i'll drop a link to that down in the description i go over some other wallets there so if you're not comfortable with this one or you want to try something else there's definitely a lot of options out there but we are using rainbow for this tutorial today so i've got i've already downloaded this app so i'm just going to tap open here from the app store and i'm going to go right into the wallet so i just created a new wallet called kapwing and it's super simple right here inside the app um it uses apple pay to cover transactions so you can just tap any of these buttons 50, 100, 250 and add ethereum bright into your account so i would recommend starting with around 100 if you are planning to mint and create your own new nft now i know that sounds like a lot because it is but currently there are pretty high fees associated with making new nfts that's something else i go over in that article link in description but yeah 100 should be enough to get you covered uh for your first nft these gas fees fluctuate all the time but they have been quite high lately with a lot of the excitement around this technology so you'll want to start out by buying around a hundred dollars worth of ethereum now you can just use apple pay to immediately cover this and have it sent into your wallet if you're on android i'm not entirely sure what the payment method is but i know there is a rainbow wallet available for android and the standard payment methods you'd use in android should apply there as well so start here in the rainbow wallet and add some ethereum into your account now that your crypto wallet is all set up we are ready to actually link it to one of the nft marketplaces where you can buy sell and create your own nfts so for this demo today i'm going to show you how to do this on this is one of the most accessible nfc marketplaces there's no invite required and it's very easy to get started this is where i created my first nft so we'll head over to i'll drop a link in the description and once you're on this main page you'll just click this connect button up in the corner it'll take you to this screen where you have a bunch of different wallet connections you'll see here there's like fortmatic, walletconnect, wallet link so these are all different apps that connect different crypto wallets to their marketplace if you're using the rainbow wallet that i suggested in the first step then we're going to use walletconnect but if you're using a different wallet you may need to further explore which one of these options is best for you so i'll start by clicking wallet connect here and it's going to bring up this qr code so i will just go into my rainbow app and i'll slide over to this screen that shows the camera and i'll just go over that qr code and there it says Rarible wants to connect your wallet so i'll just tap connect and you'll see here right as i tap connect i'm now logged in to my Rarible account it's automatically created an account that's linked to my wallet only so from here we can actually move on and start to buy or create our first nft so for the part we've all been waiting for how to actually turn a piece of content into an nft so i'm here in the Kapwing studio editor and i'm on an image that i actually made for the nft article i recently wrote so this is a pretty simple project it's a couple image layers some text a nice gradient in the background uh Kapwing is actually a great option for creating nfts because it enables you to simply create all kinds of content whether it be an image like this one a gif a video all kinds of content that can be turned into nfts can be made in Kapwing so definitely go check us out link in description as well so i have this nft graphic that i made for my article and i want to download this now and take it over to wearable and mint it as my first nft so my first nft will quite literally be my graphic of an nft so i'll click export image here in kapwing and that takes me to the screen where i can now download my content so i'll click download and now i've got a copy of this image saved to my hard drive so we'll switch back over to Rarible now and once you're signed in you should see this create button up here in the corner so i'm going to click create and now we have a selection to make do i want to meant this nft as one of one like the only version of this image that's available on the blockchain that can be bought and sold or do i want to meet a few copies of it maybe it's one of ten maybe it's one of seventy so for the sake of rarity and you know making this a true one of one i'm just gonna select single here now this next page is very similar to you know the upload screens you've seen in other apps it's it's very familiar it's kind of reminds me of uploading a video on youtube so i'll just click here to upload my file let me find it there it is select it and upload it and then it kind of shows you a thumbnail of it here and then you can start to make some other selections you can you know choose whether or not you want to put it on sale or just create it as an nft to keep in your own crypto wallet so i'm going to put it on sale i can set an instant sale price you can kind of think of this as like a buy now price that you'd see on ebay this is the price that uh i'd want for somebody to immediately be able to purchase it if i don't select that then it does just go to a regular auction where people make bids and i can choose to accept them or not and then you could also if you've created a really rich piece of content do this unlock when purchased option and that allows you to link to maybe like a website or a dropbox or something where people can download like a high quality version of the file or get some other you know special extras that come with the nft maybe like a video of you creating it or you know some more background around how it was made and those are kind of nice little extras to bundle in so i don't have any of those to offer so i'm just gonna go in and it'll ask you know put a name put a description so i'll say nft token and for the description i'll say what i imagine an nft looks like then you'll see down here this royalties selection this is actually really cool so you can set a royalty amount and then anytime this nft is sold in the future to someone else you will actually receive this percentage of a royalty of that sale this is one of the things that makes nfts really special for creators is that they can continue profiting off their work well after they've sold it for the first time something that you know doesn't really happen in the traditional art world so usually you see royalties of around 10 to 30 percent so i'll set this around 20 percent and now that i have all of my information entered here i'll just click create item and then next it's actually going to send a request to my uh rainbow wallet to accept this transaction so if i go into rainbow here and i scroll over you'll see here it is it's got the um transaction request to go ahead and create this nft i haven't bought any ethereum so it says that my balance is too low and then you can see down here at the bottom of the screen you have the network feed that's going to be associated with actually going and you know minting this nft today so um yeah you'll just complete the transaction right here in your wallet and then back on screen it'll actually uh you know start to do the rest of the process of minting it so once you've actually minted your content and paid for all the fees this is what it's going to look like you'll see it right here on Rarible it's got a full transaction history you can view bids that are placed on it and it's now live and you were able to do it in just a few minutes and that's how you create your first nft we started by making a new crypto wallet next we bought some ethereum and then we linked our wallet to an nft marketplace like finally we uploaded our content and minted it into an nft now there's a lot more that can be said about crypto art and nfts but i'm going to leave it there for now if you found this video helpful today please consider subscribing to our youtube channel nfts are still in their infancy and i think there's a lot more tutorials that we could do on them in the future so getting your feedback 


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