Top 5 Skills To Learn In 2022

Top 5 Skills To Learn In 2022 That Will Make You A Millionaire By 2030

Whatsup guys? saif this side. And welcome back we will talk about, 5 in-demand skills That you should learn this year today and now itself. And these are such skills, That are very much in demand in 2022. And there is a demand-supply gap in them. Demand is very high people want such skills. But there is no supply. There are not enough people who have these skills. And these are such skills in which you can freelance. If you are a student Or you want to be a professional freelancer. You can do your own business or startup In which you can use these skills. Or can do a job with these skills. Because many employers Are finding people with these skills. And all the skills I am telling in this video, Are relevant for this year no doubt. But even in the upcoming years 2025 Even I think they will be relevant up to 2030. They will have a huge demand. And if you start learning these skills from now And plan to make a career in them. Then in some years, you will be a millionaire. And after you watch And listen about all the skills. Then do tell me in the comment section, Which skills are you planning to learn? So without wasting any time Let's begin our countdown. But I would say that the last skill of this list, Definitely check it out. Because it has a lot of potentials. Not only for the next 5-10 years but 20-30 years, This skill will be in demand. And surprisingly very less people are talking about it. So definitely watch it.

The first skill you should learn in 2022 is

 "Blockchain Development"

This is going to be the most in-demand skill. Not only this year but in the coming years also. And blockchain basically is A decentralized & distributed way Of storing information and record it. And blockchain is not used for cryptocurrencies only There are many different industries Like Healthcare, Finance, Politics. Where blockchain is used. And obviously For this blockchain technology adoption And to implement it, We need people who know blockchain development. In fact the total expense of blockchain technology Is estimated that up to 2023 It will be $16 Billion. And to become a blockchain developer, You need 3 basic skills, The first is Programming. The second is Data structures. The third is Cryptography. If you don't know what is all this, You can search online on youtube or You will find a course. You can get many courses. That will not teach only these things But will teach full blockchain development. And in India, blockchain developer Has average salary of 15 lakhs per anum. And if you work 3-4 years and gain more experience, Then your salary easily can be 50 lakhs, 1 crore or more than that.

 So moving on to the second skill.

"Video editing, Graphic designing & Animation". 

 That you should learn this year is "Video editing, Graphic designing & Animation". These are different skills But I have combined them as one for this video. And in last few years we all have seen, How Digital content has increased. Digital marketing is also increased. There are so many content creators. And we have started consuming so much content. So the demand for these skills is increased. Like someone will edit the video. Or make animations. Or do graphic design. And these skills seem difficult when you see them. But I am saying from personal experience, It is not hard to learn them. Yes, you will need to put in some effort. You have to consistently put effort to learn it. But it is not difficult to learn it. And in 2-3 weeks you can skill up yourself, That you can do basic freelancing projects And start working for people. And can start earning a small amount. Obviously, as your experience will increase Your skill level will increase. And your quality of work will also improve. Then obviously your income will increase exponentially. And as I told digital content is booming. And we are at the start of the boom. So in upcoming years, it is going to increase. And so the demand for these skills will increase. And this is a very good time of learning these skills. 


So moving on. The skill I will tell you about now After listening about it many commerce student Or nonengineering students would be shy And will start to skip. But don't skip it. It is important for you also. And this skill is "Programming". Basic coding knowledge. And this skill is my backbone. Because I am a software engineer. Obviously, to work in software engineering You should know programming. And programming basically means to do coding. To write code for any software or anything. And you can write in any programming language. You can write in Python, Java, C, C++ And there are many upcoming programming languages That are now used. And in the last few years, we have seen a technology revolution. We have seen a digital shift. And in upcoming years it is going to increase. It is not going to stop or get reduced. And this all shift, the most important role was of programmers. Because they make the technology and code it. So it is such a skill which you must know in 2022. And in upcoming years its importance will keep on increasing. You can't run away from it. And once you know basic programming, You learned this skill. Then you can work in different & innovative technologies. You can work on Big Data. You can become a Data Scientist. You can do cloud computing. Or else Blockchain development as needs programming. So there are many avenues. And guys, believe me, I am telling from personal experience It is easy to learn programming. Once again you just need to put in some effort. You have to learn 1-2 hours a day. There are many online free courses available. I will mention some links in the description. You can check them out. Then programming completely free of cost, By just sitting at home you can learn it. And it is very easy to learn. But then also if you have interest in programming & technology, But you have an interest in Marketing. Then you should definitely learn this fourth skill.

  • Learn Programming For Beginners

 Which? You guessed it right. 

"Digital Marketing"

 And for those who don't know, Digital Marketing is basically marketing, To promote brands and make them reach the consumers. The only difference is they use only Digital media For promotions and marketing. Where we use to see traditional offline ways of marketing Like a newspaper, billboard, or TV. No doubt they are still there. But previously marketing was done through this. Now digital marketing is increasing a lot. You are scrolling on Instagram and you see an ad. It is digital marketing. You are buying something on Flipkart or Amazon, And there are sponsored products at the top. That is also a part of digital marketing. Or you are watching a video of a Youtuber, And randomly they give shoutouts to any product. It is also part of digital marketing. And the way digital content is increasing. I think I am talking this third time in this video. But the way digital content is increasing The demand for digital marketing is also increasing. And so the demand for people is increased Those who have expertise or experience in digital marketing. And you too can learn digital marketing online, youtube Or anywhere you can learn free of cost. I don't think it is necessary to do any paid course. To learn basic. And after that in any agency or company, Or in any startup, that uses digital marketing. You can work over there and build up experience. You can learn this work. And you can create your network with clients. But definitely, here you will need some creativity and brain And some experience will also be important. Because it is not a simple straight away online marketing. Here you have to do marketing in a smart & strategic way. 

Metaverse technologies

So the fifth and final skill

, That I told you to definitely listen Because very less people talk about it. But everyone knows in upcoming years, It has very big potential. And now I won't tell you any specific skill. But I will tell a group of skills. A sort of category. Among which you can learn 1-2 skills. To create an impact in upcoming years. In your life as well as in others' life. And I will categorize these skills As "Metaverse technologies". And these are basically such skills, By learning them you can build a Metaverse. And you must have heard about "Metaverse". Especially in the last few weeks. And Metaverse is a 3D digital virtual world. It is a universe. That we can enter in digital form. And even though everyone is saying Metaverse is the next big thing. But it will take time to build this big thing. It will take 5-10-20 years to become mainstream. It won't happen in 1-2 years. And if you learn any skill, You skill up yourself in such a way That you can build a metaverse. Then your this skill be relevant for the next 15-20 years. And to build and develop a metaverse, You can learn many different skills. You can learn Blockchain that I previously told you in this video. For this, you must know programming. You can learn AR, VR. They will have an important role in the metaverse. You can read about Artificial intelligence. You can build your knowledge and experience in it. You can learn 3D Reconstruction. You can learn Internet of things. And know more about it. There are many skills. And I am thinking to make a different video on this topic. To learn metaverse technologies or to contribute to metaverse, Which are the skills that you can learn? So in short as I told it is not a single skill. There are many skills among which you can learn. And contribute to build metaverse. I feel this is a very promising field. Because as I said it will be relevant for 15-20 years. It will take time and needs skilled people. And if you make yourself good in it and learn it, Then you will be definitely in demand in upcoming years. And you will earn more money no doubt. And with this, we are at the end of this video. And once again do tell me in comments, Which skill are you thinking to learn?

-Coding -Graphic Designing -Video Editing-Animation-Content Writing-Digital Marketing-Web Developmenting-App Developmenting-Social Media Influencer

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